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ARI- THE ORIGINAL FORK OIL SEALS, custom-made for your fork

Ariete fork oil seals are different! The quality of their execution is matched by the unique nature of the material used: the carboxylated elastomer known as XNBR.

This compound offers unique characteristics of resistance to abrasion, to high temperatures, and to the complex lubricants with numerous additives, which are used in modern forks as fitted to motorcycles and scooters.

The reciprocating action of the fork tube against the seal subjects it to a notable degree of abrasion, which is complicated by the heat generated as a result of hydraulic displacement within the fork, plus the friction of the components involved. This mechanical wear and tear leads to accelerated ageing of the rubber which is also obliged to deal with the chemical action of the various additives in the lubricant.

Oil seals are normally made from a nitrile rubber, known as NBR. This is used because it is cheap, and plentiful, not because NBR is the best material for the job.

Ariete technical staff have accumulated 70 years of experience in the rubber industry, and have spent many years looking for a better material for the manufacture of oil seals.

Although the cost of XNBR is almost twice that of NBR, the sophisticated technology used to make Ariete oil seals enables them to be put on the market at highly competitive prices. In this way, the Ariete Customer enjoys the benefits of a very high quality product, which satisfies the most demanding requirements, at a competitive price.

ARISIL special oil seal lubricant ARI fork oil seals are made from a rubber compound specifically developed to work with the lubricants used in front forks, with all their various additives. This compound is completely different from that normally used for rotating shaft seals, since the physical environment inside a fork with its reciprocating movement, and the specialist lubricants, are completely different. Ariete have designed ARI oil seals with a variety of lip profiles to make them longer lasting, while reducing to a minimum the friction effect against the moving shaft. Over the years, Ariete have discovered the key role of a separating lubricant between the fork tube and the rubber of the oil seal to reduce to a minimum the surface friction, without affecting the function of the oil seal. After exhaustive testing, Ariete have chosen a lubricant which is produced in the USA, and devised specifically as a rubber/metal lubricant for mechanical components used in the NASA space program. The advantage of this special grease, which they call ARISIL, is that it extends the life of the oil seal, and helps it retain its vital characteristics of flexibility and chemical resistance. For this reason, every set of ARI FORK OIL SEALS contains a single dose sachet of ARISIL, sufficient to lubricate the two oil seals supplied.

Barcode: 8051513535369

Fork Seals

  • Aprilia: Sonic 50AC (98-05), Sonic 50GP (98-05), Sonic 50 GP LC (98-99), Sonic 50H2O (00-05)
  • Baotian: BT49QT11DA 50 Tommy (08-14), BT49QT9 50 Sprint (06-13), BT49QT9D1 50 (09-14), BT49QT9F1 50 Eagle (09-14), BT49QT9F3 50 Eagle (09-14), BT49QT9N1 50 Speedy (06-14), BT49QT9R1 50 Speedy (09-14), BT49QT9R3 50 Speedy (09-14), BT49QT9S1 50 Super Moto/City (09-14), BT49QT9S3 50 Super Moto/City (09-14), BT5... and more
  • Cagiva: City 50 (92-94)
  • Honda: CB125 J (76-78), CB50 J (77-83), CB100 N/NA (76-87), CB125 S (72-75), CG125 B (1982), CG125 BR (84-97), CG125 C (1983), CG125 ES4-ES9 (04-09), CG125 K (77-81), CG125 M (01-03), CG125 W (98-00), CRF80 F (2003), CRF100 F4-F9 (04-09), CRF80 F4-F9 (04-09), CRF100 FA-FD (10-13), CRF70 K4-K9 (04-09), CRF7... and more
  • Jinlun: JL50QT5 50 (09-13)
  • Jmstar: JSD50QT13 50 Breeze (08-12), JSD50QT13 50 Sunny (13-14)
  • Kawasaki: AE 80 A/B1-A/B9 (81-89), AE 50 A1-A5 (81-85), AR 80A/C (82-92), AR 50 A1-A5 (81-85), AR 50 C1-C9 (86-98), C2SS 120 (67-68), KC 100C (80-86), KD 80 (75-87), KD 80 N1-N3 (88-90), KE 175D (82-83), KFX 90KSF (2015), KH 100A (78-81), KH 125 A1-A5 (77-81), KH 100G (80-92), KM 100A (78-82), KM 90A (77-79)
  • Lexmoto: Scout 50 (2016)
  • Lifan: Jet 50 (09-11), Swift 100 (2006)
  • Pulse: Scout 50 (05-10)
  • Qingqi: QM50QT2M 50 (2010), QM50QT6A(A) 50 V-Clic (06-13)
  • Rex: RS450 50 (06-14)
  • Superbyke: MPed 50 Road Classic (06-10)
  • Suzuki: A 50-2 (69-70), A 100A (1977), A 100B (78-80), A 100J (68-73), A 50J (1971), A 100K (1974), A 50K (1972), A 100L (1975), A 50L (1973), A 100M (1976), A 50M (1974), A 50N (1975), ACC 100 Cross (70-72), AP 50 A50P (75-79), ASS 100 Street (69-71), GP 100C (1978), GP 125C (1978), GP 100N (78-79), GP 125... and more
  • Xingyue: LLX50QT 50 Phoenix (05-10)
  • Yamaha: DT 50M (78-79), FS1E 50 (72-77), FS1E 50DXA (88-89), FS1E 50DX (75-90), FS1E 50MA (88-89), FS1E 50SE (81-82), FS1E 50A-M (75-90), MX 100A-H (74-80), RD 80LC (82-83), RD 50MX (79-87), RD 80MX (82-85), RD 50M (1980), RT 100A-L (90-00), TY 50M (77-79), YB 100E-P (75-81), YSR 50A-W (87-93), YZ 80A-E (74... and more

Inside Diameter:27
Outer Dia:39

Inside Diameter:27
Outer Dia:39

Fitment Summary
Compatible with 718 models (yearly).

  • Aprilia: Sonic 50AC, Sonic 50GP, Sonic 50 GP LC, Sonic 50H2O
  • Baotian: BT49QT11DA 50 Tommy, BT49QT9 50 Sprint, BT49QT9D1 50, BT49QT9F1 50 Eagle, BT49QT9F3 50 Eagle, BT49QT9N1 50 Speedy, BT49QT9R1 50 Speedy, BT49QT9R3 50 Speedy, BT49QT9S1 50 Super Moto/City, BT49QT9S3 50 Super Moto/City, BT50QT11 50 Retro
  • Cagiva: City 50
  • Jinlun: JL50QT5 50
  • Jmstar: JSD50QT13 50 Breeze, JSD50QT13 50 Sunny
  • Kawasaki: AE 50A1, AE 50A2, AE 50A3, AE 50A4, AE 50A5, AE 80 A/B1, AE 80 A/B2, AE 80 A/B3, AE 80 A/B4, AE 80 A/B5, AE 80 A/B6, AE 80 A/B7, AE 80 A/B8, AE 80 A/B9, AR 50A1, AR 50A2, AR 50A3, AR 50A4, AR 50A5, AR 50C1, AR 50C10, AR 50C2, AR 50C3, AR 50C4, AR 50C5, AR 50C6, AR 50C7, AR 50C8, AR 50C9, AR 80A/C, C2SS 120, KC 100C, KD 80, KD 80N1, KD 80N2, KD 80N3, KE 175D, KFX 90KSF, KH 100A, KH 100G, KH 125A1, KH 125A2, KH 125A3, KH 125A4, KH 125A5, KM 100A, KM 90A
  • Lexmoto: Scout 50
  • Lifan: Jet 50, Swift 100
  • Pulse: Scout 50
  • Qingqi: QM50QT2M 50, QM50QT6A(A) 50 V-Clic
  • Rex: RS450 50
  • Superbyke: MPed 50 Road Classic
  • Suzuki: A 100A, A 100B, A 100J, A 100K, A 100L, A 100M, A 50-2, A 50J, A 50K, A 50L, A 50M, A 50N, ACC 100 Cross, AP 50 A50P, ASS 100 Street, GP 100C, GP 100N, GP 100T, GP 100U, GP 100X, GP 125C, GP 125N, GP 125XD, GS 125Z, GT 50K, GT 80B, RG 50 Gamma, RM 80B, RM 80CD, RV 50 VanVan, RV 90 VanVan, T 125I, T 125R, TS 100A, TS 100B, TS 100C, TS 100K, TS 100L, TS 100M, TS 125A, TS 125B, TS 125J, TS 125K, TS 125L, TS 125M, TS 50K, TS 50 KN/KC
  • Xingyue: LLX50QT 50 Phoenix
  • Yamaha: DT 50M, FS1E 50, FS1E 50A, FS1E 50DX, FS1E 50DXA, FS1E 50M, FS1E 50MA, FS1E 50SE, MX 100A, MX 100B, MX 100C, MX 100D, MX 100E, MX 100F, MX 100G, MX 100H, RD 50M, RD 50MX, RD 80LC, RD 80MX, RT 100A, RT 100B, RT 100C, RT 100D, RT 100E, RT 100F, RT 100G, RT 100H, RT 100J, RT 100K, RT 100L, TY 50M, YB 100E, YB 100P, YSR 50A, YSR 50B, YSR 50C, YSR 50D, YSR 50T, YSR 50U, YSR 50W, YZ 80A, YZ 80B, YZ 80C, YZ 80D, YZ 80E
  • Honda: CB100 N/NA, CB125 J, CB125 S, CB50 J, CG125 B, CG125 BR, CG125 C, CG125 ES4, CG125 ES5, CG125 ES6, CG125 ES7, CG125 ES8, CG125 ES9, CG125 K, CG125 M, CG125 W, CRF100 F4, CRF100 F5, CRF100 F6, CRF100 F7, CRF100 F8, CRF100 F9, CRF100 FA, CRF100 FB, CRF100 FC, CRF100 FD, CRF70 K4, CRF70 K5, CRF70 K6, CRF70 K7, CRF70 K8, CRF70 K9, CRF70 KA, CRF70 KB, CRF70 KC, CRF70 KD, CRF80 F, CRF80 F4, CRF80 F5, CRF80 F6, CRF80 F7, CRF80 F8, CRF80 F9, CY80 , EZ90 Cub, H100 A, H100 S, MB50 MB5, MB80 S, MT50 SB, MT50 SC, MT50 SD, MT50 SE, MT50 SF, MT50 SG, MT50 SH, MT50 SJ, MT50 SK, MT50 SL, MT50 SM, MT50 SN, MT50 SP, MT50 SR, MT50 SS, MT50 ST, MT50 SV, MT50 SW, MT50 SX, MT50 SY, MT50 SZ, MT80 import, SFX50 S, SFX50 T, SFX50 V, SFX50 W, SFX50 X, SFX50 Y, SFX50 Y1, SFX50 Y2, SFX50 Y3, SFX50 Y4, SL70 Trail, SS50 ZB1, SS50 ZB2, SS50 ZB3, SS50 ZB4, SS50 ZK1, SS50 ZK2, XL100 S, XL50 S, XL75 Trail, XL80 R, XR100 M5, XR100 R, XR100 R1, XR100 R2, XR100 R3, XR100 RF, XR100 RG, XR100 RH, XR100 RJ, XR100 RK, XR100 Rl, XR100 RM, XR100 RN, XR100 RP, XR100 RR, XR100 RS, XR100 RT, XR100 RV, XR100 RW, XR100 RX, XR100 RY, XR50 R1, XR50 R2, XR50 R3, XR50 R4, XR50 R5, XR50 SW, XR50 SX, XR50 SY, XR70 R1, XR70 R2, XR70 R3, XR70 RV, XR70 RW, XR70 RX, XR70 RY, XR75 K1, XR75 K2, XR75 K3, XR75 K4, XR75 K5, XR75 K6, XR75 Ko, XR80 RA, XR80 RB, XR80 RC, XR80 RD, XR80 RE, XR80 RF, XR80 RG, XR80 RH, XR80 RJ, XR80 RK, XR80 RL, XR80 RM, XR80 RN, XR80 RP, XR80 RR, XR80 RS, XR80 RT, XR80 RV, XR80 RW, XR80 RX, XR80 RY, XR80 RZ

We work very hard to ensure our stock levels are accurate but unfortunately due to the high volume of orders we receive both online and in store, some items may be incorrectly marked as instock. In the event an item is out of stock we will contact you within 24 working hours to discuss your order. Please contact us before visiting the store to ensure the product you wish to view is on display. Our stock levels are provided by both our physical stock in store and supplier stock levels within the U.K. As with any product, specification is subject to change without prior notification. You are advised to confirm current specification before buying.
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