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ARI- THE ORIGINAL FORK OIL SEALS, custom-made for your fork

Ariete fork oil seals are different! The quality of their execution is matched by the unique nature of the material used: the carboxylated elastomer known as XNBR.

This compound offers unique characteristics of resistance to abrasion, to high temperatures, and to the complex lubricants with numerous additives, which are used in modern forks as fitted to motorcycles and scooters.

The reciprocating action of the fork tube against the seal subjects it to a notable degree of abrasion, which is complicated by the heat generated as a result of hydraulic displacement within the fork, plus the friction of the components involved. This mechanical wear and tear leads to accelerated ageing of the rubber which is also obliged to deal with the chemical action of the various additives in the lubricant.

Oil seals are normally made from a nitrile rubber, known as NBR. This is used because it is cheap, and plentiful, not because NBR is the best material for the job.

Ariete technical staff have accumulated 70 years of experience in the rubber industry, and have spent many years looking for a better material for the manufacture of oil seals.

Although the cost of XNBR is almost twice that of NBR, the sophisticated technology used to make Ariete oil seals enables them to be put on the market at highly competitive prices. In this way, the Ariete Customer enjoys the benefits of a very high quality product, which satisfies the most demanding requirements, at a competitive price.

ARISIL special oil seal lubricant ARI fork oil seals are made from a rubber compound specifically developed to work with the lubricants used in front forks, with all their various additives. This compound is completely different from that normally used for rotating shaft seals, since the physical environment inside a fork with its reciprocating movement, and the specialist lubricants, are completely different. Ariete have designed ARI oil seals with a variety of lip profiles to make them longer lasting, while reducing to a minimum the friction effect against the moving shaft. Over the years, Ariete have discovered the key role of a separating lubricant between the fork tube and the rubber of the oil seal to reduce to a minimum the surface friction, without affecting the function of the oil seal. After exhaustive testing, Ariete have chosen a lubricant which is produced in the USA, and devised specifically as a rubber/metal lubricant for mechanical components used in the NASA space program. The advantage of this special grease, which they call ARISIL, is that it extends the life of the oil seal, and helps it retain its vital characteristics of flexibility and chemical resistance. For this reason, every set of ARI FORK OIL SEALS contains a single dose sachet of ARISIL, sufficient to lubricate the two oil seals supplied.

Barcode: 8051513535680

Fork Seals

  • AJS: JSM 125 Motard (09-14), JSM 50 Motard (11-15), JSM 125 Trail (09-14)
  • BMW: F 650 (93-97), F 650GS (99-07), F 650ST (96-00), G 310 GS (5G31) (2017), G 650GS (08-10), G 310 R (5R31) (16-20), G 310X (18-19), K100 1000LT (1990), K100 1000RS (86-89), R100 1000R (92-95), R100 1000 R Mystic (1995), R80 800 Monolever (85-88), R80 800R (91-98)
  • CPI: SM 50 Supermoto (06-14)
  • Ducati: 888 (95-96), 888 DesmoQuattro (93-94), 888 Strada (91-94), Monster 900 City (1998), Monster 900 City Dark (1999), Monster 900 Cromo (1999), Monster 900ie (99-00), Monster 900 S ie (2000), Monster 900 Special (98-99), S 750 Sport Carenata (01-02), S 750 Sport Nuda (01-02), Scrambler 400 Sixty-Two (16... and more
  • Harley-Davidson: FLD 1690 Switchback (12-16), FLHR 1690 C Road King (2016), FLHR 1450 Road King (99-06), FLHR 1690 Road King (17-19), FLHR 1750 Road King (2019), FLHR/i 1584 Road King (00-06), FLHRC 1584 Road King Classic (08-11), FLHRC 1690 Road King Classic (12-16), FLHRCi 1450 Road King (00-06), FLHRS 1584 Road K... and more
  • Honda: CB1100 EX (17-18), CB750 F2C (1984), CB750 F2D (1985), CB500 FAD (2013), CB500 FAE (2014), CB650 FAE (2014), CB500 FAF (2015), CB650 FAF (2015), CB500 FAG (2016), CB650 FAG (2016), CB500 FAH (2017), CB650 FAH (2017), CB500 FAJ (2018), CB650 FAJ (2018), CB500 FAK (2019), CB500 FAL (2020), CB250 F4-F7... and more
  • Hyosung: GD 250 Naked (14-17), GD 250R (2017), GT 250 Comet (11-17), GT 650 Comet (05-08), GT 250 Naked (04-16), GT 650 Naked (04-10), GT 650 Naked II (10-17), GT 250R (13-16), GT 650 Sport (05-10), GT 650 Sport II (10-17), GV 250 Aquila (01-03), GV 650 Aquila (12-18), GV 250 Aquila Classic Fi (10-17), GV 25... and more
  • Indian: Chief 1720 Blackhawk (11-12), Chief 1720 Bomber (10-11), Chief 1720 Classic (10-13), Chief 1720 Dark Horse (10-13), Chief 1720 Deluxe (2009), Chief 1720 Roadmaster (09-11), Chief 1720 Standard (2009), Chief 1720 Vintage (09-13), Scout 1130 (15-18), Scout 1130 Bobber (2018), Scout 1130 Sixty (2018), ... and more
  • Kawasaki: GPX 400R (87-88), GPZ 400R (85-89), KDX 125 A/B1-A/B2 (90-99), KLE 650 Versys C/DAF (2010), KLE 650 Versys DBF (2011), KLE 650 Versys DCF (2012), KLE 650 Versys DDF (2013), KLE 650 Versys DEF (2014), KLE 650 Versys F (15-18), KLE 650 Versys A/B 7F-Versys A/B 9F (07-09), Ninja 650 (19-20), Ninja 650J... and more
  • Lexmoto: Adrenaline 125 XFLM125GY-2B (2016), LSM 125 (2016), LSM 50 (2016)
  • Pulse: Adrenaline 250 (10-15), Adrenaline 125 XF125GY-2B (05-10)
  • Sinnis: Apache 125 QM125GY-2B (09-17), Apache 125SMR (18-19), Blade 125 QM125GY-2B (08-13), Trackstar 125 QM125GY-2B (2010)
  • Superbyke: RMR 125 (08-10), RMR 200 (07-14)
  • Suzuki: GSX 600F2J (1988), GSX 750 FK1-FK6 (01-06), GSX 600FUJ (1987), GSX 1100 FJ-FT (88-96), GSX 600 FH-FW (85-98), GSX 750 FK-FY (90-00), GSXR 750AK (1990), GSXR 600 K6-K9 (06-09), GSXR 750 K1-K9 (01-09), GSXR 750L (1990), GSXR 600 L0-L9 (10-19), GSXR 750 L0-L9 (10-19), GSXR 750M (1991), GSXR 750M0 (2020... and more
  • Victory: Octane 1179 (16-17)
  • Yamaha: TT 350A (85-97), XJR 400 4HM1 (1993), XJR 400 4HM2 (1994), XJR 400 4HM3 Brembo Caliper (1995), XJR 400 4HM4 (1995), XT 600 2KF/3TB (91-92), XT 600Z (84-92)

Inside Diameter:41
Outer Dia:54

Inside Diameter:41
Outer Dia:54

Fitment Summary
Compatible with 1,719 models (yearly).

  • AJS: JSM 125 Motard, JSM 125 Trail, JSM 50 Motard
  • BMW: F 650, F 650GS, F 650ST, G 310 GS (5G31), G 310 R (5R31), G 310X, G 650GS, K100 1000LT, K100 1000RS, R100 1000R, R100 1000 R Mystic, R80 800 Monolever, R80 800R
  • CPI: SM 50 Supermoto
  • Ducati: 888, 888 DesmoQuattro, 888 Strada, Monster 900 City, Monster 900 City Dark, Monster 900 Cromo, Monster 900ie, Monster 900 S ie, Monster 900 Special, S 750 Sport Carenata, S 750 Sport Nuda, Scrambler 400 Sixty-Two, SL 900SS, SS 750 Superlight, Superbike 888, Supersport 350SS, Supersport 400SS, Supersport 750SS, Supersport 900, Supersport 900 Carenata, Supersport 900 Nuda
  • Harley-Davidson: FLD 1690 Switchback, FLHR 1450 Road King, FLHR 1690 C Road King, FLHR 1690 Road King, FLHR 1750 Road King, FLHR/i 1584 Road King, FLHRC 1584 Road King Classic, FLHRC 1690 Road King Classic, FLHRCi 1450 Road King, FLHRS 1584 Road King, FLHRSE 1800 Road King, FLHRXS 1750 Road King, FLHS 1340 Electra Glide, FLHT 1340 Electra Glide, FLHT 1450 Electra Glide, FLHTC 1340 Electra Glide, FLHTC 1690 Electra Glide Classic, FLHTC/i 1584 Electra Glide, FLHTCU 1340 Ultra Classic, FLHTCU 1584 Electra Glide, FLHTCU 1690 Ultra Classic, FLHTCU 1750 Electra Glide, FLHTCUI 1450 Ultra Classic, FLHTCUSE 1584 Electra Glide, FLHTCUTG 1690 Tri Glide, FLHTi 1584 Electra Glide, FLHTK 1750 Ultra Limited, FLHTKL 1750 Ultra Limited Low, FLHX 1690 Street Glide, FLHX/i 1584 Street Glide, FLHXI 1450 Street Glide, FLHXS 1690 Street Glide, FLS 1690 Softail Slim, FLS 1800 Softail CVO, FLSS 1800 Softail CVO, FLST 1340 Heritage, FLST/N 1450 Softail Deluxe, FLSTC 1340 Heritage, FLSTC 1450 Heritage Softail, FLSTC 1584 Heritage, FLSTC 1584 Heritage Softail, FLSTC/i 1450 Heritage Softail/Classic, FLSTF 1584 Fat Boy, FLSTF/i 1450 Fat Boy, FLSTF/i 1584 Fat Boy, FLSTFB 1690 Fat Boy, FLSTFBS 1800 Fat Boy S, FLSTFBS 1800 Fatboy Lo, FLSTFS 1690 Screaming Eagle, FLSTN 1340 Heritage Softail, FLSTN 1584 Softail, FLSTN 1690 Softail Deluxe, FLSTSB 1584 Cross Bones, FLSTSB 1584 Softail Cross Bones, FLSTSi 1450 Heritage Springer, FLT 1340 Classic, FLTC 1340 Tour Glide, FLTC 1340 Tour Glide/Classic, FLTCU 1340 Ultra Classic, FLTCUi 1340 Ultra Classic, FLTR 1340 Road Glide, FLTR/i 1450 Road Glide, FLTRi 1584 Road Glide Custom, FLTRSEI 1450, FLTRU 1690 Road Glide, FLTRU 1750 Road Glide / Ultra / Special, FLTRX 1690 Road Glide, FXB 1340 Dyna Sturgis, FXDB 1690 Dyna, FXDL 1340 Dyna Low Rider, FXDL 1450 Dyna Low Rider, FXDLi 1450 Dyna Low Rider, FXDS 1340CON, FXDS 1340 Dyna, FXDWG 1340 Dyna Wide Glide, FXDWG 1450 Dyna Wide Glide, FXDWGi 1450 Dyna Wide Glide, FXS 1340 Sturgis, FXS 1584 Blackline, FXS 1690 Blackline, FXSB 1340 Low Rider, FXSB 1690 Breakout, FXST 1450 Softail Standard, FXSTB 1340 Night Train, FXSTB 1450 Night Train, FXSTB 1584 Night Train, FXSTB/i 1450 Night Train, FXSTC 1584 Softail Custom, FXSTD 1584 Softail Deuce, FXSTD 1690 Screaming Eagle, FXSTDi 1450 Softail Deuce, FXTC 1340 Softail
  • Hyosung: GD 250 Naked, GD 250R, GT 250 Comet, GT 250 Naked, GT 250R, GT 650 Comet, GT 650 Naked, GT 650 Naked II, GT 650 Sport, GT 650 Sport II, GV 250 Aquila, GV 250 Aquila Classic Fi, GV 250 Aquila Fi, GV 650 Aquila, GV 650 Sportcruiser, MS3 250, ST 700, ST7 700, ST7D 700 Deluxe
  • Indian: Chief 1720 Blackhawk, Chief 1720 Bomber, Chief 1720 Classic, Chief 1720 Dark Horse, Chief 1720 Deluxe, Chief 1720 Roadmaster, Chief 1720 Standard, Chief 1720 Vintage, Scout 1130, Scout 1130 Bobber, Scout 1130 Sixty, Scout Sixty 1000
  • Kawasaki: GPX 400R, GPZ 400R, KDX 125 A/B1, KDX 125 A/B2, KLE 650 Versys A/B 7F, KLE 650 Versys A/B 8F, KLE 650 Versys A/B 9F, KLE 650 Versys C/DAF, KLE 650 Versys DBF, KLE 650 Versys DCF, KLE 650 Versys DDF, KLE 650 Versys DEF, KLE 650 Versys F, Ninja 650, Ninja 650JJF, Ninja 650KHF, Ninja 650KJF, VN 1500 Classic Front Left Caliper, VN 1500 Classic Tourer Front Left Caliper, VN 1500 Drifter Front Left Caliper, VN 1500 Mean Streak, VN 1500 Nomad Front Left Caliper, VN 1500 Vulcan, VN 1500 Vulcan Classic Fi Front Left Caliper, VN 1500 Vulcan Classic Front Left Caliper, VN 1500 Vulcan Front Left Caliper, VN 500, VN 800A1, VN 800 B Classic, VN 800 Drifter, VN 900B6F, VN 900B7F, VN 900B8F, VN 900B9F, VN 900BAF, VN 900BBF, VN 900BCF, VN 900BDF, VN 900BEF, VN 900BFF, VN 900BGF, VN 900C7F, VN 900C8F, VN 900C9F, VN 900CAF, VN 900CBF, VN 900CCF, VN 900CDF, VN 900CEF, VN 900CFF, VN 900CGF, VN 900CHF, VN 900CJF, VN 900CKF, VN 900CLF, Z 1000A1, Z 1000A2, Z 1000A3, Z 1000A6F, Z 1000B7F, Z 1000B8F, Z 1000B9F, Z 1000C7F, Z 1000C8F, Z 1000C9F, Z 1000DAF, Z 1000DBF, Z 1000DCF, Z 1000DDF, Z 1000ECF, Z 1000FEF, Z 1000FFF, Z 1000FGF, Z 1000GEF, Z 1000 GEFA, Z 1000GFF, Z 1000GGF, Z 1000HHF, Z 1000HJF, Z 1000R, Z 1000SX, Z 1000 SX abs, Z 400ABS, ZG 1200 Voyager, ZR 400C, ZR 400D, ZR7 750F1, ZR7 750F2, ZR7 750F3, ZR7 750F4, ZR7 750F5, ZRX 400E1, ZRX 400E10, ZRX 400E11, ZRX 400E12, ZRX 400E2, ZRX 400E3, ZRX 400E5, ZRX 400E6, ZRX 400E7, ZRX 400E8, ZRX 400E9, ZX6R 600P7F, ZX6R 600P8F, ZX6R 600R9F, ZX6R 600RAF, ZX6R 600RBF, ZX6R 600RCF, ZX6R 600RDF, ZX6R 600REF, ZX6R 600RFF, ZX6R 600RGF, ZX6R 600RHF, ZX6R 600RJF, ZX6R 600RKF, ZX6R 636A1P, ZX6R 636B1, ZX6R 636B2, ZX6R 636C, ZX6R 636EDF, ZX6R 636EEF, ZX6R 636EFF, ZX6R 636EGF, ZX6R 636EHF, ZX6R 636G, ZX6RR 600K2, ZX6RR 600N, ZXR 250B1, ZXR 250B2, ZXR 250C1, ZXR 250C2, ZXR 250D1, ZXR 400R, ZXR 400 R-RR, ZZR 400K1, ZZR 400K2, ZZR 400K3, ZZR 400N1, ZZR 400N10, ZZR 400N11, ZZR 400N12, ZZR 400N13, ZZR 400N14, ZZR 400N2, ZZR 400N3, ZZR 400N4, ZZR 400N5, ZZR 400N6, ZZR 400N7, ZZR 400N8, ZZR 400N9, ZZR 600D1, ZZR 600D2, ZZR 600D3, ZZR 600D4, ZZR 600E1, ZZR 600E10, ZZR 600E11, ZZR 600E12, ZZR 600E13, ZZR 600E14, ZZR 600E15, ZZR 600E2, ZZR 600E3, ZZR 600E4, ZZR 600E5, ZZR 600E6, ZZR 600E7, ZZR 600E8, ZZR 600E9
  • Lexmoto: Adrenaline 125 XFLM125GY-2B, LSM 125, LSM 50
  • Pulse: Adrenaline 125 XF125GY-2B, Adrenaline 250
  • Sinnis: Apache 125 QM125GY-2B, Apache 125SMR, Blade 125 QM125GY-2B, Trackstar 125 QM125GY-2B
  • Superbyke: RMR 125, RMR 200
  • Victory: Octane 1179
  • Yamaha: TT 350A, XJR 400 4HM1, XJR 400 4HM2, XJR 400 4HM3 Brembo Caliper, XJR 400 4HM4, XT 600 2KF/3TB, XT 600Z
  • Honda: CB1100 EX, CB1100 RS, CB250 F4, CB250 F5, CB250 F6, CB250 F7, CB400 SF, CB500 FAD, CB500 FAE, CB500 FAF, CB500 FAG, CB500 FAH, CB500 FAJ, CB500 FAK, CB500 FAL, CB500 X, CB600 F1, CB600 F2, CB600 F3, CB600 F4, CB600 F5, CB600 F6, CB600 F7, CB600 F8, CB600 F9, CB600 FA, CB600 FB, CB600 FC, CB600 FD, CB600 FE, CB600 FW, CB600 FX, CB600 FY, CB650 FAE, CB650 FAF, CB650 FAG, CB650 FAH, CB650 FAJ, CB650 R, CB750 F2, CB750 F2C, CB750 F2D, CB750 S-C, CB900 F2, CB900 F3, CB900 F4, CB900 F5, CB900 F6, CB900 F7, CB1400 Steed, CBF500 A4, CBF500 A5, CBF500 A6, CBF500 A7, CBF500 A8, CBF600 N, CBF600 N/NA 4, CBF600 N/NA 5, CBF600 N/NA 6, CBF600 N/NA 7, CBF600 N/NA 8, CBF600 N/NA 9, CBF600 S, CBF600 SA, CBF600 SA4, CBF600 SA5, CBF600 SA6, CBF600 SA7, CBF600 SA8, CBF600 SA9, CBR1000 FH, CBR1000 FJ, CBR1000 FK, CBR1000 FL, CBR1000 FM, CBR1000 FN, CBR1000 FP, CBR1000 FR, CBR1000 FS, CBR1000 FT, CBR1000 FV, CBR1000 FW, CBR1000 FX, CBR400 F, CBR400 RRJ, CBR400 RRK, CBR400 RRL, CBR400 RRM, CBR400 RRN, CBR400 RRP, CBR400 RRR, CBR400 RRS, CBR400 RRT, CBR500 FH, CBR500 FJ, CBR500 FK, CBR500 FL, CBR500 FM, CBR500 R, CBR600 FK, CBR600 FL, CBR600 FM, CBR600 FN, CBR600 FP, CBR600 FR, CBR600 FS, CBR600 FT, CBR600 FV, CBR600 FW, CBR600 RR, CBR650 FAE, CBR650 FAF, CBR650 FAG, CBR650 FAH, CBR650 FAJ, CBR650 R, CMX500 A, CTX700 D, CTX700 N, DN01700 NSA 700, FX650 X, FX650 Y, FX650 Y1, GL1200 DE, GL1200 DF, GL1200 DG, GL1200 DH, GL1500 J, GL1500 K, GL1500 L, GL1500 SE, NC750 D, NC750 J, NC750 S, NC750 SD DCT, NC750 SDK DCT, NC750 X, NC750 X-ADV, NC750 X/XA, NC750 XD, NSR250 R7/R7L, NSR250 RK, NSR250 RL, NSR250 RR, NSR250 RR-SE, NT650 J, NT650 K, NT650 M, NT650 V1, NT650 V2, NT650 V3, NT650 V4, NT650 V5, NT650 VW, NT650 VX, NT650 VY, NT700 V6, NT700 V7, NT700 V8, NT700 V9, NT700 VA, NT700 VB, NT700 VC, NT700 VD, NT700 VE, NT700 VF, NT700 VG, NTV600 J, NTV600 K, NTV600 L, NTV600 M, NTV600 N, NTV650 J, NTV650 K, NTV650 L, NTV650 M, NTV650 N, NTV650 P, NTV650 R, NTV650 SC, NTV650 T, NTV650 V, NTV650 W, NX500 G, NX500 H, NX500 J, NX500 K, NX500 L, NX500 M, NX500 N, NX500 P, NX500 R, NX500 S, NX500 T, NX500 V, NX500 W, NX500 X, NX650 J, NX650 K, NX650 L, NX650 M, NX650 N, NX650 P, NX650 R, NX650 R1, NX650 R2, NX650 R3, NX650 R4, NX650 SC, NX650 T, NX650 V, NX650 W, NX650 X, NX650 Y, PC800 Pacific Coast, RVF400 RR, RVF750 RR, RVF750 RS, RVF750 RT, RVF750 RV, RVF750 RW, RVF750 RX, SLR650 T, SLR650 V, SLR650 W, SLR650 X, SLR650 Y, ST1100 AN, ST1100 AP, ST1100 AR, ST1100 AS, ST1100 AT, ST1100 AV, ST1100 L, ST1100 M, ST1100 SC26, ST1100 W, ST1100 X, ST1100 Y, VF1000 F2F, VF1000 F2G, VF1000 FE, VF1000 FF/F2F, VF1000 FG/F2G, VF1000 RE, VF1000 RF, VF1000 RG, VF1100 C, VF1100 S, VF750 C, VF750 S, VFR400 R3, VFR400 RH, VFR400 RJ, VFR400 RK, VFR400 RL, VFR400 RM, VFR400 RN, VFR400 RP, VFR800 A, VFR800 FE, VFR800 FF, VFR800 FG, VFR800 Fi-W, VFR800 Fi-X, VFR800 Fi-Y, VFR800 X, VT1100 C2, VT1100 CH, VT1100 CK, VT1100 CL, VT1100 CM, VT1100 CN, VT1100 CP, VT1500 ACE Shadow, VT250 CR, VT250 CS, VT250 CT, VT250 CV, VT750 C, VT750 C2, VT750 CD, VT750 DC, VTR1000 F1, VTR1000 F2, VTR1000 F3, VTR1000 F4, VTR1000 F5, VTR1000 F6, VTR1000 FV, VTR1000 FW, VTR1000 FX, VTR1000 FY, VTR1000 SP2, VTR1000 SPY, VTR250 4 valve, VTR250 W, VTR250 Y, VTX1300 S3, VTX1300 S4, VTX1300 S5, VTX1300 S6, VTX1300 S7, VTX1300 S8, XL600 L, XL600 LD, XL600 LE, XL600 LM-F, XL600 LM-G, XL600 LM-H, XL600 RD, XL600 RE, XL600 RF, XL600 RM, XL600 V, XL650 V1, XL650 V2, XL650 V3, XL650 V4, XL650 V5, XL650 V6, XL650 V7, XL650 VY, XL700 V7, XL700 V8, XL700 V9, XL700 VA, XL700 VB, XL700 VC, XL700 VD, XLR250 R3J, XLR250 RF/R2F, XLV750 RD, XLV750 RE, XLV750 RF, XLV750 RG, XLV750 RH, XLV750 RJ
  • Suzuki: GSX 1100FJ, GSX 1100FK, GSX 1100FL, GSX 1100FN, GSX 1100FP, GSX 1100FR, GSX 1100FS, GSX 1100FT, GSX 600F2J, GSX 600FH, GSX 600FJ, GSX 600FK, GSX 600FL, GSX 600FM, GSX 600FN, GSX 600FP, GSX 600FR, GSX 600FS, GSX 600FT, GSX 600FUJ, GSX 600FV, GSX 600FW, GSX 750FK, GSX 750FK1, GSX 750FK2, GSX 750FK3, GSX 750FK4, GSX 750FK5, GSX 750FK6, GSX 750FL, GSX 750FM, GSX 750FN, GSX 750FP, GSX 750FR, GSX 750FS, GSX 750FT, GSX 750FY, GSXR 600K6, GSXR 600K7, GSXR 600K8, GSXR 600K9, GSXR 600L0, GSXR 600L1, GSXR 600L2, GSXR 600L3, GSXR 600L4, GSXR 600L5, GSXR 600L6, GSXR 600L7, GSXR 600L8, GSXR 600L9, GSXR 750AK, GSXR 750K1, GSXR 750K2, GSXR 750K3, GSXR 750K4, GSXR 750K5, GSXR 750K6, GSXR 750K7, GSXR 750K8, GSXR 750K9, GSXR 750L, GSXR 750L0, GSXR 750L1, GSXR 750L2, GSXR 750L3, GSXR 750L4, GSXR 750L5, GSXR 750L6, GSXR 750L7, GSXR 750L8, GSXR 750L9, GSXR 750M, GSXR 750M0, GSXR 750WN, GSXR 750WP, GSXR 750WR, GSXR 750WS, GSXR 750WT, GSXR 750WV, GSXR 750WW, GSXR 750WX, GSXR 750Y, GSXS 750L5, GSXS 750L6, GSXS 750L7, GSXS 750L8, RF 600R, RF 600RP, RF 600RR, RF 600RS, RF 600RT, RF 600RV, RGV 250K, RGV 250L, RGV 250M, RGV 250N, RGV 250P, RGV 250R, RGV 250S, RGV 250T, RGV 250V, TS 125RL, TS 125RM, TS 125RN, TS 125RP, TS 125RR, TS 125RS, TS 125RT, TS 125XUK, VL 1500 Intruder LC, VL 1500 Intruder/Boulevard C90, VL 800 Intruder/Volusia, VL 800 Intruder/Volusia LC, VS 1400 Boulevard, VS 1400 Intruder (VX51L), VS 1400 Intruder (VX51L/T)

We work very hard to ensure our stock levels are accurate but unfortunately due to the high volume of orders we receive both online and in store, some items may be incorrectly marked as instock. In the event an item is out of stock we will contact you within 24 working hours to discuss your order. Please contact us before visiting the store to ensure the product you wish to view is on display. Our stock levels are provided by both our physical stock in store and supplier stock levels within the U.K. As with any product, specification is subject to change without prior notification. You are advised to confirm current specification before buying.
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